Eine ganz nette E-Mail vom FBI!

Last Updated on 14 Jahren by TmoWizard

Hallo zusammen!

Ich habe mal meine alten Mails durchforstet und bin da auf eine schon ältere gestoßen, die ich mir damals aus Spaß aufgehoben habe. Man lese und staune:

Betreff: Official Notification To You From The F.B.I.
Von: Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I) info@fbi.org
Antwort an: dept101@hotmail.com

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Charlotte Field Office
400 South Tryon Street
Suite 900 Charlotte,
North Carolina 28285 U.S.A
Owen D. Harris (Agent in Charge)
Official Phone Number: 704-303-9305
Official Fax Number: 704-303-9305


This is a notification from the desk of the Special Agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I) with office located in Charlotte, North Carolina 28285 USA.

We have a package here in our office that is personally addressed to you, it is an official envelop of the zenith Bank of Nigeria that has an International Bank Draft payment in it.

It is a bank draft payment of a total sum of US$18,500,000.00 (Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand United states Dollars), with bank draft code no (082-209).

This package was collected and brought to my office by my colleagues during their job at the DHL courier service, and I personally contacted the Zenith Bank of Nigeria as the special agent in charge of this office to confirm this bank draft due to the large sum involved, and most importantly to confirm that this payment is legal.

After our investigation with the Zenith Bank of Nigeria about this bank draft payment, we confirmed that this payment is legal and not an illegal/stolen fund, and personally addressed to you as a beneficiary payment you are entitled to received, we apologize for the delay on your bank draft payment delivery to you, but we have to do our job following our law and directives binding this organization.

Be informed that this bank draft is with Bank Draft Code No: 082-209, and with information's Kalamazoo 9548, Ref No: 10694667.

You are advised to kindly reconfirm to our office these information's below to help us officially and securely deliver this bank draft to you:

1. Full Name
2. Direct Phone, fax and mobile #.
3. Residential address.
4. Occupation
5 .Age and Sex
6. A scanned copy of your Driving License or International Passport

You are also advised to call this office immediately this message notification is received for important information's and instructions to be passed to you personally. 704-303-9305

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Owen D. Harris
Special Agent In charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I)

Na da brat mir aber einen Storch! Die erste Mail-Adresse (Von:) ist laut der Website vom F.B.I. sogar richtig! Aber diese Empfänger-Adresse ist schon etwas merkwürdig: dept101@hotmail.com

Auch das verwendete Mail-Programm finde ich sehr grauenhaft: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000

Die Summe von 18,5 Millionen US$ könnte ich allerdings gut gebrauchen! :D

Ich weiß ja nicht, was diese Jungs da geraucht haben, muß aber ein ziemlich heftiges Zeug gewesen sein! ;)

Ich möchte jetzt aber nicht wissen, wie viele Leute auf solche Mails herein fallen. Ich denke doch, daß es da leider einige gegeben hat.


Gute Nacht nun

Grüße aus Augsburg

Euer Zauberadmin TmoWizard Zaubersmilie

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Eine ganz nette E-Mail vom FBI! von TmoWizard ist lizenziert unter Creative Commons Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 international.

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